World Cup Flamenco
Editors Note:This is news from the Cordoba Guitar Festival - Day 3 - sent in by Corey Whitehead, "I wish you were here. I will be your eyes and ears for now :) ". Here are the links for Day 1 and Day 2.
Soccer Fans... Check out the video at the bottom of this post!
Dear Paul and esteemed friends, The Javier Latorre concert was delayed by the World Cup match, which ended at 10:30pm. A wild celebration ensued here in the Plaza de las Tendillas as the Spanish celebrated their victory over Germany. The program entitled El Deunde y el Reloj was a masterpiece of choreography, music composition and performance, animation, drama, stagecraft, theatrical movement, and visionary art.
El Deunde y el Reloj
The work was based upon the concept of teaching flamenco meter and rhythm (compás), the internal clock in flamenco. Then it’s application in dance steps and its relation to the Cante. The character called Duende (the spirit of your flamenco ancestry) embodied by the enchanting Karen Lugo who after being given the duple, and triple, and quadruple meter, in each case taught the compás to the female dancers, and then explored rhythmic variations in rapturous and engaging baile. The result was that through the flamenco forms that are typically from Córdoba, the audience learned the basic metric and rhythmic elements and witnessed improvisational variation. As each meter is introduced, questions arise, and to the rescue are Leonardo Da Vinci (Ricardo Luna), Niño de Archidona (Jesús Corbacho), Descartes (
) and Salvador Dalí (Daniel Navarro) These dancers were excellent actors! Leonardo and Salvador Dali crowd favorites. Daniel Navarro is to dancing what Pavel Steidel is to the Guitar. He is a consummate thespian. I meant that with the highest praise. If you don’t know what I mean go see this when you can a chance.
My internal clock was reset by Javier LaTorre in the concert that ended at 1am. I awoke at 4:15am after less than two hours of sleep and had rehearsed for 4 hours by 9am. I went to visit the Casa de Guitarras of Juan Montero Aguilera. I have a 2001 Montero here with me and had never met him. It was a thrill to play his personal classical guitar and to see the pictures of Vicente Amigo at various ages (even as a boy) playing Montero guitars in performance, in the shop, and at Montero’s house. Also there on the wall of fame were pictures of Paco de Lucia, Juan Serrano, Gerardo Núnez, and hanging on the rack a beautiful Flamenco Blanca (Spruce/Maple) for Rafael Requeni! It had really good tap tone and was ready for final finish work.After some errands Hugo and I are back at the hotel practicing and going to see Pepe Romero later tonight!Saludos!Corey
Editors Note: With all the flamencos watching the Soccer... I thought this might be the right time to throw in the video below, of fans spilling into the Plaza de las Tendillas in Cordoba... After a the victory!