Stop Forced Roma Evictions

Mario's and Marias's shack - copyright: Amnesty International

Mario's and Marias's shack - copyright: Amnesty International

Roma people living in Rome number in the thousands, they are currently under threat due to a new plan, the "Nomad Plan," which paves the way for a forced eviction of thousands of Roma from the Italian capital's Roma camps.According to Amnesty International, there has been no consultation with the people that will be affected by the plan and they claim that for many people it will affect their employment and the education of their children who attend nearby schools.The picture above (© Amnesty International) features the family of Mario and Maria who's shack was destroyed in November 2009 after about 150 police officers evicted about 400 Roma people and their families from the Via Centocelle camp, in the east of the city (see the video below).Some of the evicted women and children were offered temporary shelter in the cities dormitories for homeless people.Amnesty International are offering you a simply one-click opportunity to oppose the "Nomad Plan" on the grounds of various human rights violations.

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