Three reasons why we love flamenco down under
There are so many reasons to love flamenco! Australia’s love affair with flamenco isn’t new; we’ve long been captivated by this art form. It’s exactly that history that Dr John Whiteoak explores in his recently released book Take me to Spain: Australian imaginings of Spain through music and dance. To celebrate the release of Take me to Spain we take a look at three top reasons we can’t get enough of flamenco.
It’s part of our cultural history. Australia has a long relationship with Spain. A quick search of back issues of Australian newspapers in Trove reveals that flamenco has been making headlines down under for decades, becoming more popular from the 1950s thanks to factors such as Spanish migration. Australia might be a long way from Spain but our connection to the home of flamenco is strong.
It’s entertainment. And Australians love to be entertained. Flamenco can inspire different feelings at different times, but at its core, flamenco performance is about letting go and being swept up in the feelings of the moment. Flamenco like all art provides us with a means of disconnecting from daily life and getting caught up in the emotion of the performance.
Flamenco is evolving. It’s an ongoing challenge that continues to hold us in its grip. As Dr Whiteoak notes in his book, “...flamenco fusion-inspired imaginings of Spain through music, choreography, improvisation — and cross-pollination with other creative arts and performances traditions — have ... played an important role in continually reinvigorating Australian interest in flamenco.”
‘Take me to Spain: Australian imaginings of Spain through music and dance’ by John Whiteoak is available from Lyrebird Press.
Image courtesy of Lyrebird Press.